Mar 27, 2012

Nightmares, better for you than you think.

I have been doing a lot of research about dreams for my article writing. I have often been plagued with nightmares. I am one of those people other people love to scare. I am so jumpy that often my family scares me even when they are not trying to.

My nightmares are no exception. I found myself dreading going to sleep. So many night (and days) I have been afraid to fall asleep. When I did, I would often find myself running from something horrible monster in forest. Or falling from great height.

For so many years I ran from my nightmares. Now I use them to figure out what is wrong with my "waking" life. In general I hate change. Now I understand why so many of my dreams contained death and death imagery. Many dream interpreters explain that death dreams are about change and anxiety of change in our lives. I completely relate with that! Do you?

To read more please check out the following links:

Nightmares-my latest article published

All about Sleep and Dreams-my updated page

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