Feb 28, 2012

Day 6: Success I am published!! (On Street Articles)

My two articles have been published.

You can view article one: Does it matter if you sleep during the day?

Article two: Can you sleep too much?

I am excited!! I have found that my 30 in 30 challenge needs to be modified though. At least, I cannot write one article per day. On Sundays I do not want to work (for religious reasons). On Mondays, I have all of my work for my Master's classes due. This usually means at least one large paper and several other small assignments.

So, I am still bound and determined to write (at least) 30 articles in 30 days, so I am going to double up the article count on any other day besides Sunday and Monday. 

I have also been updating my social networking status. Facebook I am on, and Linked In. Currently I do not tweet :). I will be learning the art of twitter.

    Any suggestions? Any funny tweets you have tweeted or heard of lately?

I will be posting more about my thoughts on Once Upon a Time soon.

    If you have missed any of the episodes check them out here!!

               Happy early Tuesday...and if any of you read my sleep articles, yes I am working on my sleep pattern...it is just not working as expected...more to follow up in article 3...


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