Mar 7, 2012

Day 15 falling behind..but will catch UP!!

Wow...I have fallen behind. I got caught up with school, birthdays, and life. I will meet the 30 in 30 challenge though, and am so excited about my tribe on Street Articles. On the site you can follow people and people can follow you! I have now have 6 people in my Tribe!! I am currently following 11 people and there are some really great articles. Many new articles published each day.

I found this article very helpful and suggest it to all of you, especially fellow students:
Memorizing Tips

I am not giving up on my challenge, have written 3 new articles, and have ideas for so many more. As they are published I will link them. Shout out to all of you in my tribe, and a great big thanks to all of you who read my blog!!


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