Mar 17, 2012

Day 24 in my Challenge....

Wow, I heard something interesting on Dr. Phil yesterday...he said "if you want to know how a person will do in the future, look at how and what they did in the past." (paraphrasing) I of course became angry. First, because it was the old adage, you can't teach an old dog new tricks, or a leopard can change his spots. Second, because that is what I have been telling myself for years.

Each time I make a mistake... I think: see you have always done this, you did this yesterday, 10 years ago, you will always do this.  You will never change, you cannot change, just give up.

It is possible to change. It starts with changing your thoughts, accepting failures as learning experiences, and not giving up!

(There is an awesome article by Ai Hoon on accepting failure. I found it a few hours after this initial post, but needed to include the link. It is soo inspiring!)

I WILL write 30 articles in 30 deadline is next Saturday at 10:00 pm. I have written 10! 20 to go!!

 What I found the most challenging about the challenge was that on each of the days of the challenge Kyle from Street Articles sent me an e-mail. This e-mail included awesome tips and strategies to increase traffic, grow readership and so much more. The challenge came when there was usually 5 or more tasks to do besides just write an article.Completing these tasks took time. Also, I still had my usual school commitment, family obligations, and the inevitable unexpected emergencies.

I am going to start the challenge again on March 25th. I will write articles and do more of the daily tasks that I did not get to. I know that it is hard to change, but you don't have to always be the same person you always were. It is possible to grow. It is possible to overcome and rid yourself of harmful habits. All things are possible, you are only limited by your own thoughts and attitude!

Day 24..bring on the challenge :)  Happy possibilities to all of you :)

please check out my latest article: Precious Memories

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